Highest Selling Carousel Figures and Full Carousels at Public Auction on Record
There has been a misinformed article on the top carousel figure auction prices circulating the world-wide-web for about a decade now. Like many carousel “experts”, the article was compiled of partial truths and random, misquoted misinformation and skewed numbers. This list should get it right for everyone from now on out. I separate between 1985-2000 when The Carousel News & Trader printed their last “World Record Prices” list. Up until 2000 it is very safe to say that the CN&T did not miss any auctions with high selling carousel figures. After that, it’s very possible.
From 2000-Present – The big (and small) carousel auctions died off over a decade ago. Now a few carousel animals from a collection, or even just one or two random figures appear in auctions here and there. Sometimes we hear about it, sometimes we don’t. Sometimes they do very well, (sometimes they don’t). We will do all we can to keep this list correct and up-to-date, with your help. If you know of a figure sold at public auction that should be on this list, please let us know. Let’s get history right.
*These are all prices from PUBLIC AUCTION sales. No private sale prices will ever be listed or included. Private is private.